5th August 2020

A hard life in a hard Lockdown

A hard life in a hard Lockdown by Belinda Pakati Growing up with my friends, we used to play games just to keep ourselves outdoors and […]
10th July 2020

A critical engagement on gender and gender-based violence in community settings

A critical engagement on gender and gender-based violence in community settings You are cordially invited to the next seminar in the Gender, HIV and Sexualities Seminar […]
17th June 2020

Mothering and Lockdown

Mothering and Lockdown by Dipontseng Kheo (all mothers quoted here gave their consent) As parents it is natural to want to protect our children from anything […]
16th June 2020

Launch – Social Justice Stories: Young People Reflect on HIV, Sexualities, Gender, Race and Inequality

Launch – Social Justice Stories: Young People Reflect on HIV, Sexualities, Gender, Race and Inequality When final year medical student Bettina Buabeng-Baidoo approached the Centre for […]
3rd June 2020

Is it or is it not LGBTIQ+ Pride Month in South Africa?

Is it or is it not LGBTIQ+ Pride Month in South Africa? By Johan Maritz My news feeds on different social media platforms have, since 1 […]
28th May 2020

Ubuntu and solidarity in times of Covid-19: Challenges and contradictions as communities grapple with ways of being and doing during a pandemic

Ubuntu and solidarity in times of Covid-19: Challenges and contradictions as communities grapple with ways of being and doing during a pandemic by Vuyisa Mamanzi Vuyisa: […]
23rd May 2020

CSA&G statement on attacks directed at Prof Glenda Gray

CSA&G statement on attacks directed at Prof Glenda Gray The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender is very concerned about the attacks that have been directed […]
8th May 2020

When losing means everything and nothing

Pierre Brouard reflects on Kübler-Ross’s stages of loss and the similarities with South Africa's stages of acceptance (and loss) of COVID-19.
7th May 2020

Locks Down and Quarantine Queens: Thoughts on Gender and Hair Fixation During a Global Pandemic

Locks Down and Quarantine Queens: Thoughts on Gender and Hair Fixation During a Global Pandemic By Gabriela Pinheiro Introduction Throughout the month of April 2020, a […]