A critical engagement on gender and gender-based violence in community settings You are cordially invited to the next seminar in the Gender, HIV and Sexualities Seminar […]
Mothering and Lockdown by Dipontseng Kheo (all mothers quoted here gave their consent) As parents it is natural to want to protect our children from anything […]
Launch – Social Justice Stories: Young People Reflect on HIV, Sexualities, Gender, Race and Inequality When final year medical student Bettina Buabeng-Baidoo approached the Centre for […]
Ubuntu and solidarity in times of Covid-19: Challenges and contradictions as communities grapple with ways of being and doing during a pandemic by Vuyisa Mamanzi Vuyisa: […]
CSA&G statement on attacks directed at Prof Glenda Gray The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender is very concerned about the attacks that have been directed […]
Locks Down and Quarantine Queens: Thoughts on Gender and Hair Fixation During a Global Pandemic By Gabriela Pinheiro Introduction Throughout the month of April 2020, a […]