(Un)tying the father tongue: (Re)thinking the (m)other tongue and epistemic (in)justices by Tinashe Mawere Introduction At the beginning of the month of February 2022, my ancestors […]
Food, symbolism, and embodiment: Amai Mnangagwa’s traditional dishes and restoring healthy bodies by Tinashe Mawere Introduction: Food for thought In December 2019, I came across reports […]
The Cake and the Couch: South Africa’s (in)visible bodies and disobedient messaging during the ‘anti-Zuma arrest’ protests by Tinashe Mawere Introduction: The ‘anti-Zuma arrest’ protests and […]
The Zimbabwean National Heroine: (Re)reading Nationalism, Gender and Sexuality by Tinashe Mawere Introduction: Zimbabwean nationalism and gendered identities Broadly, the literature of nations and nationalism neglects […]
Our home and our mother: The gendering of nature in climate change discourses By Tinashe Mawere, Henri-Count Evans & Rosemary Musvipwa Introduction: Re/thinking climate change Gendered scripts, […]
Fighting for Pure Lands: Land Purity, Polluting Figures, Male Power and Violence in Zimbabwe by Tinashe Mawere Introduction: Contextualizing the Zimbabwean land question In Zimbabwe, land […]
(Un)masking other dangerous pandemics within the Covid-19 lockdown By Tinashe Mawere Introduction: Silencing ‘disobedient’ voices On 13 May 2020, some youths from Zimbabwe’s largest opposition party, […]
The J(g)endered nation: Zimbabwe’s heroic and macho-currencies by Tinashe Mawere Introduction: Heroism and national masculinities Contestations around national heroism have been rampant in Southern Africa in […]